Psychologist Popescu Ioana-Mirela

I am Popescu Ioana-Mirela, school counselor, trainer, psychologist and psychotherapist within the PSIHO KIT team, certified by the College of Psychologists in Romania, in clinical psychology and psychotherapy.
Since 2011, I have been working with children, adolescents, and adults with learning difficulties, relationship and adaptation difficulties, emotional and behavioral disorders both in individual and group activities.
I coordinated and implemented projects for children, young people, and adults on topics related to socio-emotional development, development of life skills, combating risky behaviors and career guidance. Currently, I offer assessment and psychological counseling services for children and adolescents, personal development, career counseling and guidance, parental counseling and psychotherapy.
– Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Psychology specialization, “Transilvania” University, Brașov;
– Master in Organizational Psychology. Diagnosis and intervention in organizations, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, “Lucian Blaga” University Sibiu;
– Master Clinical Psychology, psychological counseling and psychotherapy, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, “Lucian Blaga” University Sibiu;
– Training in Psychotherapy – Classical Psychodrama, Romanian Association of Classical Psychodrama, Sibiu;
– Postgraduate program – Psychopedagogical interventions for children with disabilities and their families, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, field of Educational Sciences, “Babeș-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca;
– Trainer, Doctus Institute, Sibiu;
– Worker through combined arts, PECA RO TRAINING SRL, Năvodari, Constanța;
– Numerous training courses accredited by the Romanian College of Psychologists and the Ministry of Education.
“The best way to be someone is to be yourself!”