Erasmus+ Accreditation in Adult Education
Funder: Agenția Națională pentru Programe Comunitare în Domeniul Educației și Formării Profesionale (AN)
Accreditation period: 01.02.2024 – 31.12.2027
Accreditation number: 2023-1-RO01-KA120-ADU-000191809
DESCRIPTION: The Center for Personal Development and Combating Risk Behaviors Association obtained Erasmus+ accreditation in the field of Adult Education this year. By the end of 2027, learning mobilities will be organized for association members and volunteers, which include training courses and job shadowing. These activities will address the diversification of educational methodologies for disadvantaged adults, the development of the skills of facilitators in the use of new experiential methods, as well as the improvement of digital and inclusion skills for adults with different vulnerabilities within the programs offered.
EXPECTED IMPACT: By facilitating access to applied and intensive learning programs in an international context, we aim to develop the skills of 11 facilitators. The results of this learning will have a positive impact on the vulnerable groups with whom they work directly. The final beneficiaries will notice an improvement in the quality of the services offered and a diversification of the training offer.

1st Year
Erasmus+ accreditation
in Adult Education
June 2024 – August 2025
Project number:
Selection call: Download the document – RO
Selection methodology: Download the document – RO
Selection results: